Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. thom ingram  Episode 3c: The Portrait Poem   
 2. Konkrete Canticle [Voices: Bob Cobbing, Paula Claire, Michael Chant]  A sandwich poem, consisting of Poem for Voice and Mandoline and Poem for Gillian [Bob Cobbing]  Experiments in Disintegrating Language/Konkrete Canticle 
 3. Dave Warner  Episode 0054: Interview with Lifestyle and Environmental Portrait Photographer Jay Watson   
 4. Jas Duke  Shit Poem / 1987 Federal Elections or: The Johns Party / Beijing Town / American President Poem / Hangman Brown  Poems of Life and Death 
 5. The Durutti Column  Self Portrait  LC (1996) 
 6. ASPE  A Self Portrait of Each  In the Disjoint Memory Of... 
 7. James Horner  The Portrait  Back to Titanic  
 8. David Guthrie  Portrait of the   
 9. duke special  portrait  20070311 abclub   
 10. LSO & Claudio Fasoli  Self Portrait  Azurka 
 11. Enya  Portrait  The Celts   
 12. The Elsie Dee Project  Le portrait de l'ami  Elsie Dee 
 13. Ellison Park’s Parade of Elephants  Like a Portrait  2009-02-20 - Oriental Theater, Denver, CO 
 14. Ellison Park’s Parade of Elephants  Like a Portrait  2009-02-20 - Oriental Theater, Denver, CO 
 15. The Durutti Column  Self Portrait  LC (1996)  
 16. Enya  Portrait  Enya   
 17. Robert Creeley and Klaus Reiberst  Self-Portrait  Reading in Germany, 9/86 
 18. Damia  Le portrait   
 19. Barbez  The Portrait  Insignificance  
 20. Barbez  The Portrait  Insignificance  
 21. Fadladder  A Portrait of One  Geography and Plays 
 22. Blackmore's Night  Self Portrait  Golden Collection  
 23. 23 Rainy Days  Portrait  Under Blue Skies 
 24. DLed  Self-Portrait   
 25. DLed  Self-Portrait   
 26. DLed  Self-Portrait   
 27. Iain Pears  The Portrait   
 28. nathan matthew david  Portrait   
 29. Evan Olson  Portrait  Instrumentals: Rock & More Vol. 1 
 30. Fadladder  A Portrait of One  Geography and Plays 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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